光影十年 ―― 我在緬甸以影像發聲的日子
二戰以來,緬甸的武裝抗爭從未停止,被視為全球內戰持續最久的國家。在緬甸擔任獨立攝影記者的 Brennan O'Connor,10 年前離開加拿大媒體出版社的工作,前往東南亞,並長期拍攝與報導緬甸少數民族的故事。為什麼Brennan選擇離開家鄉、放棄相對高薪穩定的工作,隻身前往全球內戰最久、衝突不斷的緬甸?而 Brennan 又是如何看待自己的職業?
本場講座中,Brennan 將談論在緬甸拍攝的作品,分享緬甸少數民族的故事、日常社會現況、拍攝路途中的軼事,以及在緬甸邊境走訪的旅程中,作為獨立攝影記者的挑戰與價值。Brennan 也將特別分享作品《Love's Odyssey》,使他打破了自己與被攝者之間不可見的牆,這也讓Brennan相信,攝影能作為改變的力量,並實質的幫助到當地居民的生活。
如果你對緬甸不同少數民族的故事感到好奇,或是對獨立攝影記者有興趣,或是想了解Brennan如何看待自己的職業,歡迎 9/17(四)19:00 一起來到 Lightbox 參加這場講座!
☞ 經典TV專訪
講者:Brennan O'Connor
時間:2020.9.17(四)19:30(19:00 開始入場)
地點:Lightbox 攝影圖書室(台北市羅斯福路三段269巷19號 )
▪︎ 免費參加,歡迎自由樂捐(捐款200元以上可得到啤酒一瓶)
▪︎ 因疫情因素,本場講座人數上限為70人,歡迎準時到場!
▪︎ 講座將由英文進行,並搭配現場口譯
▪︎ 本場活動會進行直播
▪︎ 防疫期間,參加講座請 #配戴口罩、填寫基本資料再入場
▪︎ 場地位處巷弄、地址複雜,循門牌而來很可能會迷路,歡迎參考網路地圖,或官網的「參觀資訊」頁面
“Finding My Photo Voice By Telling Stories: Ten-years of Chasing Light and Shadow in Myanmar's Borderlands”
Brennan O'Connor left behind a promising photo career freelancing for Canada's largest media outlets to dedicate himself full-time to a single photo essay about some of the country's many ethnic groups in Myanmar fighting for decades against the central government along its borders.
During this lecture, O'Connor will discuss the merits, as well as the challenges, which came with working independently on a single photo project for several years, while sharing his photographs and anecdotes from the road. Although, it didn't lead to riches, it did send O'Connor on a fascinating journey through Myanmar's borderlands. Eventually developing his own vision, while rewarding him with a deeper understanding of what's needed to produce meaningful photo essays about complex subject matter.
To support nearly ten years of independent work on a largely unreported subject matter, O'Connor wrote his own stories to accompany images for sale as feature packages to local and international media, while occasionally, working for non-governmental organisation or on a commissioned assignment for a magazine or newspaper.
O'Connor will share a rare instance when photographs can actually help improve the lives of subjects in 'real time'. And how following a single project for several years eventually led to a transformation within the photographer by breaking down the invisible wall he built between his camera and his subjects.
Date/Time: Sep 17, 7:30pm (enter after 7:00pm)
Speaker: Brennan O'Connor
Venue: Lightbox Photo Library (19, Ln. 269, Sec. 3, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei)
▪︎ The talk will be conducted in English.
▪︎ Please wear a mask at all time.
Brennan O’Connor worked for Canada’s leading media publications before dedicating himself full time to cover self-generated under-reported stories in the mainstream press. In 2010, he left his native country to move to Southeast Asia to follow a long-term photo project on Myanmar’s ethnic groups. O’Connor’s project was projected at the prestigious Visa Pour l'image in Perpignan, France and honoured with the Lucas Dolega Award. His work has been published and exhibited widely. Some of these include 經典雜誌, The Guardian, Paris Match, Foreign Policy, Al Jazeera, Burn Magazine; and The Walrus. O'Connor's photos have been exhibited in France, Myanmar and Canada. And screened during Angkor Photo Festival in Cambodia, Yangon Photo Festival in Myanmar and the Fotograf Vakfı 3rd Documentary Photography Days in Istanbul.